About Redfeather Outdoors
One of the LAST snowshoe manufacturers who still handcrafts each and every snowshoe in the USA!
Base camp for Redfeather Outdoors is La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA, located in the heart of what is known as the Driftless Region, an area untouched by glaciation and a region that is renowned for its bluffs, coulees and the Mississippi River Valley. This is a part of the USA where rivers, streams, creeks, and bluffs are prevalent, and it goes without saying that lots of outdoors activity happens all the time. It’s amazing we get any work done at all!
ORC Industries
Redfeather Outdoors products are manufactured and owned by ORC Industries, a not-for-profit company whose sole organizational mission is to provide job opportunities for people with disabilities. And one of those opportunities is to make the best outdoors products in the world. A minimum of 75% of our workforce is comprised of people who have a physical or mental disability. ORC trains these individuals, provides vocational and nutritional counseling, wellness training, and life skills with the goal of placing these folks in the general workforce at large. The concept is a simple one; people find personal value through the work that they do, as well as financial compensation. With every Redfeather Outdoors product purchased, you are helping us continue this very important mission.